Board of Directors

Ms. Suzanne Chakan, B.A.

Suzanne Chakan is a Certified Yoga Instructor and a Practitioner of Energy Balancing and Reiki. She is a registered yoga teacher at the 500-hour level. Her Hatha Yoga training was at the Himalayan Institute and the Integral Yoga Institute. She is also a graduate of Integral Yoga's advanced Yoga Life Training program, Cardiac Yoga Teacher Training and Therapeutic Yoga.
Susanne began teaching yoga in 1992 after ten years as a Public Relations Executive.

In addition to teaching her regular Hatha classes, Susanne teaches specialized classes for people with physical and visual disabilities, as well as those with illnesses such as heart disease and cancer. Robert M. Simon, M.D. and Ruth Aleskovsky feature her work in their book, "The Repetitive Strain Injury Handbook".

She has been a student of Vipassana (mindfulness) meditation since 1994, having studied with Sharon Salzberg, Jack Kornfield, and Larry Rosenberg, all of the Insight Meditation Society. She studied with Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center for clinical applications of mindfulness for people with chronic pain and stress-related disorders. Susanne received a BFA in Dance Ethnology.