What Our Students Say

Here are excerpts from our student profiles. Click on the student name for full text and profile.
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"This summer has been a wonderful opportunity for me to learn new things and interact with new people. I was interviewed in June of this year, for this program at my high school, at first I didn't think I would come out of the program learning so much and having the experience that I have now to carry with me for the rest of my life. I think that this program is the best way to spend your summer, working and expending your knowledge on science the best way possible. This summer, I was placed at the Environmental Testing Laboratories, Inc. in Farmingdale, NY. Although it was difficult taking the bus every morning, at the end of the day it was all worth it."
-Michaelle Exhume, Freeport High School (Class of 2005)

"This experience helped me determine where my future goals were headed after graduating from college. Working with Dr. Bhattacharya and seeing his passion for both his profession and helping underrepresented students has motivated me to pursue a career in Oncology. My acceptance to the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey this November is going to allow me to pursue my dream. As a minority with very few major opportunities, I am grateful that I had the chance to excel is such a program that gave minorities the inspiration needed to overcome the adversities they face towards the path to success."
- Paulo Lizano, Union Hill High School (Class of 2001 )

"The Harlem Children Society goal is to nurture the seeds of tomorrow with the knowledge of today. To be apart of this goal is nothing short of an honor to me. I have made lasting bonds with other students as we worked together to achieve in our research. Not to mention the connections I have made and the great people I’ve met just being apart of the organization; giving me the resources to accomplish my goals and dreams. This is the purpose of the Harlem Children Society, as it recognizes in communities around the world there are dreamers. All it wishes to do is light the way to those dreams, to create a better tomorrow."
- Louis Shackelford, Frederick Douglas Academy (Class of 2003)