Student Profile

Tamara Dennis

Class of 2005 - Present

Frederick Douglas Academy

Topic: 2006 - The Role of Estrogen Receptors in the Neuropiptide Y Expressin

Presentation (ppt)

Topic: Circling Behavior and 2-deoxyglucose Mapping in Rats


It has always been my life-long dream of becoming a well-renowned child attorney. Never in a million years did I see myself trading in this dream for another, until the summer of 2005. As a first year intern at Albert Einstein College of Medicine I was an Research Intern performing experiments on rats to determine the effects of hormones, specifically testosterone, on female rats. I was also apart of weekly meeting discussing new discoveries and advancement in Epilepsy research. Through these meetings I was able to achieve a greater understanding of the significance as well as basic principals of this kind of research. Due to an exceptional learning experience I have decided to major in psychology and become a neuroscientist that specializes in Developmental Epilepsy research.

This life changing experience began when my chemistry teacher, Ms. Redway, a person who has pushed me to accomplish great things, informed me of an internship with a cancer center. I jumped at the opportunity, unknowing what would be expected of me, believing that this would be my key to opening the doors of Cornell University . It is truly amazing to see how much it has changed my life. After an in-school interview with Dr. Sat I was enthusiastic and anxious to hear of the outcome. When I was told that I was chosen I leaped for joy. At this moment I assumed that I would be working with Dr. Sat himself and help to find a cure for cancer, naive I was, but extremely excited. You must realize my shock when I realized that this would not be the case, however, I wouldn't have it any other way.

At the orientation we were told of Monday and Friday seminars at which each intern would present their work. Initially, I did not grasp how wonderful this would be.  Via these presentations I was equipped with knowledge of what my fellow interns were doing. I learned things from many fields of science such as, epidemiology, mechanical engineering, biochemistry and much more. Day after day I have left these seminars with a greater understanding of  a range of diseases and what is being done to stop them.

I have been given a privilege that so many others have only dreamed of. I have gotten so much more than I expected to out of this program. I would like to take this opportunity to genuinely thank Harlem Children Society, Dr. Sat, Dr. Jana Veliskova and Albert Einstein for allowing me to be apart of such an extraordinary program. I have been given a head start on my future career and a summer of memories never to be forgotten.