Shawndell PowellClass of 2005 - Present High School of Medical Science Topic: Isolation, Detection, and Cellular & Molecular Characterization of Circulating Prostatic and Lung Tumor Cells from Cancer Patients Research Paper1 (pdf) Presentation1 (Powerpoint) About: My experience with the Harlem Children Society has been the most intellectually challenging thing I have ever been involved with. I never thought that I would have a chance to shadow an actual doctor. I first met Dr. Sat when I was in my second year of high school; I was told by my principal that I would be interviewed by Dr. Sat to be an intern at a well-known hospital. The interview went pretty well as far as I knew. Then my principle came the rest of my classmates and I that Dr. Sat was so impress that he was willing to take not three students but five. Fortunately I was giving the opportunity to work personally with Dr. Sat. When he told me that I my research involve blood I was very enthusiastic about it. When it comes to science I get very excited about it. I am so thankful that I was giving the chance to do what I love. Dr. Sat also told me that I would be in a street fair and will be displaying my research to the community. Which is also a plus because it prepares us for the future. The street fair was a great learning experience, and because of that I applied for the NYC Science and Engineering fair down at City College. Just like the street fair I had to display my work, but this time it was to a group of experts in various fields of science. Out of that I was rewarded “first award” for presenting my work with a group of many other students. With the help of Dr. Sat I have been very successful in school and I completed high school in three year and was given various for my achievement. After that my second summer with Dr. Sat was beginning and unlike my first summer Dr. Sat gave me a new mentor, it was a little upsetting but everything happens for a reasons. Then my mentor was Dr. Alexis, and his field of study was dermatology. My experience with him was a great one, I wasn't working with his actual patients but I was analyzing the data he collected from his patients. This previous summer while I was in Tennessee I worked with Dr. Boles in a biochemistry lab with amino acids. Because of the opportunity that I was given, I have gained so much respect no only from my peers but also from the professional world. While working with both Dr. Sat and Dr. Alexis I have learned many things and have gained various skills and friends, also I am appreciative of the doors that have opened for me because of them all. |