Student Profile

Nertila Ujkaj

Class of 2004 - Present

Hostos Lincoln Academy of Science

Topic: 2006 Immunology of Celiac Disease II

Presentation (ppt)

Topic: Study of Anthropology – Study of Biological and Cultural Diversity: from Race
of Radical Biculturalism – Race not Real

Research Paper (pdf)

Presentation (Powerpoint)


Hello, my name is Nertila Ujkaj, and I attend Hostos Lincoln Academy of Science. During my sophomore year, Dr. Sat Bhattacharya paid a visit to my school and interviewed about ten students. Two of us were lucky enough and were selected for the Harlem Children Society’s Research Internship Program. I was one of them.

The past summer was one of the most memorable and fruitful ones. With the help of Dr. Sat, I underwent another interview with the person who now is my mentor. Via the Harlem Children Society, I got a chance to attend the High School Science Research Program at the American Museum of Natural History. The past summer I have learned many amazing thing not only in one scientific field, but many, including genetics, astrology, biodiversity, and my favorite, anthropology. After the summer session, classes started again which will continue for two years. I am currently studying anthropology, and am looking forward on learning more about a specific branch, cultural anthropology. In physical and forensic anthropology, we are studying bones, crime scenes, and the human evolution. We have specialized professors who simply love to teach not only in universities, but high school students as well.

Prior to this summer, I did not know much about this field. Now, I am actually thinking about a career in anthropology, which I never considered before. This is all thanks to Dr. Sat and the Harlem Children Society.

During the summer we had meeting s with Dr. Sat every week. We, the students, presented our work that we had done with our mentors. Through this program, you have the chance to learn so much. You may learn different things, such as charisma, writing better research papers, etc. Also, this also helps you when it comes to college applications. When we leave the program, we will be more ready then many other students. Many of us have worked in laboratories, and it is a great experience.

Also, this past summer I have met many interesting people, members of the Harlem Children Society as well students at the museum. I have made many new and great friends. Dr. Sat is on of the most amazing people I have met. He is very much devoted to his job, and gives back to the community a lot. He has done a lot for us and I know he will continue to do more for the students that will join next year. I want to thank Harlem Children Society and especially Dr. Sat for giving me the chance to learn more and expand my horizon.