Student Profile

Valerio Edward

Class of 2004

High School: Gregorio Luperon H.S.

Topic: The Angiogenic Contribution of Macrophages in Hemophilic Synovitis

Research Paper (pdf)

Presentation (Powerpoint)


I'm Edward Valerio from Gregorio Luperon H.S. Harlem Children Society gave me the opportunity to experience summer 2004 as a junior working as a Summer Intern at Weill Cornell Medical College under the supervision of Dr. David Lyden and Daniel MacDonald in the department of pediatrics. It was an awesome experience, for the first time in my life I got the opportunity to work in a laboratory with professionals that taught me the most important aspects of science research.

At first, when I began to work in this new environment I felt very nervous, As I said before, I was a junior and therefore, this working atmosphere was completely new for me. I kept working and working, and as the time went by I started to like it very very much. I'm grateful with Dr. Sat Bhattacharya that had helped me and many other students to accomplish what many others haven't. It is an honor to be a participant in this program that helps minority students like myself to fulfill their dreams by providing a great opportunity to work in science.