Awards and Scholarships won by Our Students and Harlem Children Society
Harlem Children Society Students win 2007 New York Times Scholarship
(Click above for the article)
Dr. Sat Bhattacharya is among the "50 Unsung N.Y. Heroes" in the Daily News
(Click above for the article)
The Archie Lacey Lecture & Award by the New York Academy of Sciences
(Click above for the article)
Several $100,000 Posse Scholarship
$30,000 New York Times Scholarship
Gates Millenium Scholarship
Renesselaer Polytechnic Institute Scholarship
Four-Year American Chemical Society Scholarships
Jersey Journal Betty Foley Memorial Awards
Hudson Regional Health Commission Awards
The United States Army, Navy & Air Force Certificate of Achievement Awards
Riverside Club Scholarships
1st place in New Jersey Biomedical Cancer Research Symposium (Rider University)
Poster of Distinction at A.S.P.E.N. Meeting in Dallas Texas
Harlem Children Society Presidential Awards
New York City Science and Engineering Fair Awards -Honorary Mention
Student Winners of 2007 Street Fair Poster Competion
(Click above for PDF file)
Harlem Children Society in association with the Rockefeller University Chapter of the
Sigma Xi Scientitifc Research Society has won the following awards:
Chapters of Excellence 2003-2004 Awards
Certificates of Excellence are awarded to chapters for overall outstanding activities during the past fiscal year. The activities highlighted below are among a wide range in which these chapters participated.
The Rockefeller Chapter continued to support and honor outstanding high school students that have participated in research internships during the year with an event that included the students, their parents and local dignitaries.
2003-2004 Chapter Outstanding Diversity Program Awards
Diversity Program Awards are presented to chapters that have organized outstanding programs that promote diversity within the science, engineering and research communities.
The Rockefeller Chapter arranged for 17 students from inner-city neighborhoods in New York City to have internships at leading research institutions around the city. These students would not normally have access to scientific and engineering internships. The internship program included lectures on research topics.
Honorary mention for Outstanding Performance for the Chapter for years 2004-2005
2005-2006 Chapter Outstanding Diversity Program Awards
Diversity Program Awards were presented to chapters that have organized outstanding programs to promote diversity within the science, engineering and research communities. Nominees were chosen by the Regional Directors based on Chapter Annual Reports and by the new Diversity Award Program. Winners were chosen by the Society's Diversity Committee.
Rockefeller University Chapter continues to support the Harlem Children Society as it grows and expands globally. Starting just over six years ago with three students, the program has now grown to 183 students from minority backgrounds guided by 250 mentors in 50 institutions. Students have been encouraged to compete at several regional and national science conferences and competitions with many going on to win prestigious awards and internships in various institutions in the US and Africa.