click here to download printable form (pdf)
The Harlem Children Society relies on the generous contributions from individuals like
yourself to support our drive for training these young minds and fostering an understanding
for the betterment of our society to create a culture for the advancement of our youth.
When you give to HCS, you become an integral part of the HCS team working to develop
these young minds and create a culture for a brighter tommorrow. We hope that we can
count on your support to make our project happen. Together we can build a new generation
of vibrant, skilled, and self-motivated young learners.
To make a donation, please print and complete the following form [click here to download printable form (pdf)] and mail it with your check payable to:
Harlem Children Society
536 East 82nd Street, Suite 5F
New York, NY 10028
Please note that the Harlem Children Society is a private, Not For Profit Organization,
and donations to HCS are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Donations can also be made through
Click on the PayPal logo to join and be awarded $5.00 just for signing up.
Once you have your PayPal account and want to make a donation to HCS, you will need to enter the following information:
For those of you who are unfamiliar with PayPal, it is "a simple joining of two proven technologies: e-mail and the credit card network. Registered users can send a payment to anybody with an e-mail address just by writing a dollar amount into an online form. When the e-mail is sent, the payment is charged to the sender's credit card or bank account.
Registration takes five minutes."
The payee never sees the sender's credit card number or checking account number. Only PayPal has that information.
It is important that you also provide the information requested below via e-mail. You can copy and paste either of the two forms below into the e-mail: This is for our internal records and is not shared with anyone.
Form #1 - Single Donation
Name ______________________________________
Address ____________________________________
E-Mail Address ______________________________
Phone Number _______________________________
I am sending the amount below by regular mail _____ or through PayPal _____ :
_____ $500 _____ $250 _____ $100 _____ $50 _____ $25 $_____
Form #2 - Periodic Donations I pledge to send on a
_____ monthly basis
_____ annual basis |
_____ quarterly basis (every 3 mo.)
_____ Semi-annual basis (every 6 mo.) |
______ by regular mail |
______ through my PayPal account |
the amount of _____ $100 _____ $50 _____ $30 ____ $15 _____ $5 $_____ Other
Comments: __________________________________________________