Dr. Sat Bhattacharya is a senior researcher at the internationally acclaimed 'Memorial Sloan Kettering Center' in New York City . He has had several years of experience in Basic, Translational and Clinical Research in various National and International Universities, Hospitals, and Bio/Pharmaceutical Companies. He not only has guided and nurtured various students and projects, but also, has overseen many to their successful fruition, resulting in the publication of numerous articles in various national and international peer review journals and conferences and invited lectures (viz. The Royal Marsden Hospital, in London sponsored lectures by the Royal Microscopic Society Oxford, UK, etc.) He serves as a Reviewer for major peer-reviewed scientific journals like the 'American Journal of Pathology', "Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry” and others. He is a recipient of several awards and recognition in research and education ( ‘Outstanding Young Investigator Award’, “Outstanding Presentation Awards”, “Best Graduate Student Awards”, etc at various National and International Scientific Meetings, Societies, Universities and Centers).
A member of several national and international professional societies and organizations, Dr. Bhattacharya is the current President of “Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society”(Rockefeller University Chapter and a Fellow of the Royal Microscopic Society, Oxford University, UK.) He is a member of European Society for Analytical Cellular Pathology, Metastasis Research Society, and International Society for Quantitative & Diagnostic Pathology, and American Association for the Advancement of Science, New York Academy of Sciences, American Chemical Society, American Association of Anatomists, The Histochemical Society, and Federation of American Society for Experimental Biology (FASEB).
He has been honored on the 'The Wall of Tolerance' of the "National Campaign of Tolerance"(2003 - present) at the "Southern Poverty Law Center" and is a member of the 'American Civil Liberties Union' (ACLU). He is also cited in “Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century” by the International Biographical Center in Cambridge, UK. Who’s Who in World (2003 - present), Who’s Who in Science and Engineering (2003 - present), Who’s Who in America (2002 - present) and the "America’s Registry of Outstanding Professionals" (2003 - present). He is among the "50 Unsung N.Y. Heroes" featured in the Daily News (Nov. 19th, 2006).
Presently, Dr. Bhattacharya carries out research in the 'Minimal Residual Laboratory' at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, in the Molecular and Genetic Detection and Characterization of Circulating Cancer Cells from Cancer Patients from a variety of cancers such as Breasts, Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, Skin and Thyroid Cancers.
As a concerned citizen, Dr Bhattacharya wanted to extend his services to sections of the society that are not as privileged, and expand the horizons of education and awareness. Since he lives in New York City, he decided to focus on the public schools In Harlem and other such neighborhoods, taking some of the bright and motivated young minds and directly initiating them into the world of science. With that dream in mind, the Harlem Children Society was founded, which is now recognized by the City, State and Federal government. The Harlem Children Society has a unique Mission and Goal.
We see our involvement with the communities as an enterprise and an experiment to increase the entrepreneurship of the people — an enterprise for generating hope, an enterprise for creating a culture, an enterprise for arming a community with knowledge and awareness that would propel itself to the future of the 'Universal Good'.
We have a Broader Vision and a certain Philosophy that we believe is unique in our involvement in science and science education and awareness in the society at large. With that goal in mind we have tried to make good of our successes in the past to an expanded program this year in a slow but concerted effort. We have developed partnerships with highly acclaimed National and International Agencies/Societies of high repute, like the “The Sigma Xi Society" and "The New York Academy of Sciences" to further our cause. The Harlem Science Street Fair and Festival is conducted in Harlem in the First/Second Week of October each year. (Harlem Street Fair)
We have set distinct goals in the future that we hope will further our cause of creating scientific awareness and education in the communities that we serve.
Our experiment is one in which would involve a certain dream to foster in the hearts and minds of the people—a dream to create a certain awareness involving science and the celebration of the sciences with the prevailing culture in the different areas of the world— wherever there is a 'Harlem'. Therefore, Harlem in our mind is not just a geopolitical identity- but is a certain reality and a certain dream (at the same time) to increase an awareness and develop an understanding of one another and enhancing ourselves for a better tomorrow of Universal Good to live in a certain peace and harmony, not only amongst ourselves, but also, with our surroundings and environment. And ultimately be a part of a responsible citizenry of our World and Universe.
On behalf of the 'Harlem Children Society', we request your contributions and assistance to further our cause to make a better tomorrow and a universal good ( SUPPORT US). Please contact us for information that you might need. ( CONTACT US)
photo credit: Dr. Sat Bhattacharya's picture was taken by photographer Ethan Kavet.